Monday 29 September 2008

Fridays Day of Chockies

once again i have found that the only way to Catch the Chockies during the day is popped up Tiger Uppercuts over a bed of chopped nuts, laced with Vanilla,

i spent an amazing Friday taking the Mill apart, i arrived at half 8, and threw a few handfuls of chopped nuts out in my favorite swim, within ten minutes the swim was bubbling like crazy, i placed a popped up tiger uppercut in the swim and within ten minutes caught the smallest chocky in the lake, 11lb 2oz, i recast and within another half hour had an even smaller chocky at 10lb 6oz, the lake went dead till about half twelve when i had a stuttering run, and after calling for help, got the fish landed, a new PB 17lb 2oz

Then after being joined by little Bruv i also caught another monster fish, this one i have decided to call 'Patch' due to obvious reasons, it weighed in at 15lb 8oz, caught on the same method in the same swim.

Super Chocky

Behold Super Chocky
after a miserable day of blanking from half 7 till half 4, i caught 2 13lb chockies on the the Tiger uppercuts, after getting a birds nest on one reel i removed the fixed lead and decided to freeline a double Tiger on a 2 inch braid, i cast it out and let it sink naturally, after a minute of it settling i tried to tighten the line before all hell broke loose, it was only then that i realised the fish had taken the bait on the drop,
after 20-25 mins of a fight on 6lb line, i landed this beast at 22lb 10oz, a new PB
this is the same fish little bruv caught on monday, and i have decided to call this paticular Chocky the 'Brothers Mirror' once big bruv catches this beast it's name will be cemented

Saturday 13 September 2008

Straits Mill 16lb 4oz

Middle bruv getting spied on by the Carp Commanders.

Thursday 11 September 2008

Straits Mill Chockys

Went down at 5pm on thursday, loads of rolling fish and bubbles at the deep end. Caught a 16lb mirror at 7pm and 20 minutes later got a psyco screaming run and got a 14lb 8oz common, both on tiger nuts and my new version of my Chocky rig.

Wednesday 10 September 2008

Caught lots of junior chocky's using tigernuts on the surface, what's all that about?

Monday 8 September 2008

septembers chocky

Little Bruv with a 15lb chocky, caught on the spicy stick


Hello Everyone

from this day forward me and my brothers will be posting all pictures and details of our captures of Chocky and his Brethren